AI-driven integration and signals extraction enables you to analize all your customer interactions in chat, emails, calls and more on a scale. Get a 360 view on your customers and your workforce. No matter if you employ humans, chat bots, voice bots or unicorns.
There are no volumes too big for isLucid. Hire AI driven automation instead of putting more workload on your staff.
Fast and secure integration between the customer facing people + software and your internal data sources.
Your existing tools for communication - isLucid advanced connectors.
Your business needs for signals - isLucid pre-built models and multilingual extractors.
Signals via API - Your already existing systems like CRMs, Email automation receives triggers & info.
isLucid Conversation Insights will ensure that none of those signals are missed from your conversations.
You might already capture interactions. isLucid integrates with your communication tools to analyze calls, emails, chats, and chatbot exchanges - whether from recorded data or in real time.
There are many signals you can benefit from. Let's talk to find the right combination of signals you will benefit the most from.
Žirmūnų str. 66, Vilnius, Lithuania
Mon - Fri: 09am - 07pm
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