Setting up and Registration of the isLucid application

Help – how to set up and use isLucid?

Documentation of isLucid is made to support you. Any new thing can be confusing. What is natural for us, does not necessary is understandable for everybody else in the world. So we encourage you to ask for help, clarifications and assistance if anything is unclear

On this page you will find a quick walk-through information helping you to set up isLucid. During this process you will:

  1. Register isLucid application for your organization
  2. In a simple effective way create all needed policies

Standard Setup

A policy needs to be created within your organization so the audio stream would be accessible by isLucid application. You can create multiple policies depending on your company organization.

This means that you can either:
a) assign the policy to use application for a specific user(-s)
b) assign the policy for a group and manage users belonging to the groups


If you did not wait for a policy to be created, forgot to click on a link and give consent – you can reuse the form above and update bot user principle name, policy name and policy identity (f.e. by adding 1 at the end).

If you got an error message, most probably it is related to the policy already being created or Multi-Factor Authentification (MFA) enabled for your account.

Powershell does not support MFA up to the current date (Feb, 2021). You have an option to set up an Application Password, as described here for isLucid in Azure Active Directory or to execute the following commands in PowerShell.

  1. Connect to your organization (more information on how to setup PowerShell and start connection available here)
  2. Create an application instance. Replace [email protected] to your organization domains:
    New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName [email protected] -DisplayName ‘isLucid’ -ApplicationId 98b70422-b0b2-41bf-8673-60d85f5d38c7
  3. Save output Application ID and Object ID to Notepad for future usage.
  4. Sync the objected of created application instance by replacing <ObjectID> with ObjectId you saved in step 2
    Sync-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -ObjectId <ObjectId>
  5. Create a new recording policy:
    New-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy -Enabled $true -Description ‘isLucid policy created by yourname’ isLucidPolicy
  6. Set isLucid as a recorder to enable access to the audio stream. Use Object ID from step 2:
    Set-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy -Identity isLucidPolicy -ComplianceRecordingApplications ` @(New-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingApplication -Parent isLucidPolicy -Id <objectId>)
  7. Verify if the policy was created successfully:
    Get-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy isLucidPolicy
  8. Allow isLucid to access meeting titles information (only for meetings where isLucid application is participating in):
    New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity isLucidCalendar -AppIds ’98b70422-b0b2-41bf-8673-60d85f5d38c7′ -Description ‘isLucid Application registration for meeting titles’
  9. Register the isLucid application. Replace Tenant ID with yours ID and access the URL in your favourite browser:{{NewTenantId}}/adminconsent?client_id=98b70422-b0b2-41bf-8673-60d85f5d38c7&amp;state=123456&redirect_uri=

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