February 26, 2021

Challenges of a remote international workplace

by Gabby


Recent studies by Clutch and Harward Business Review have shown the increasing number of companies that employ people from multiple countries by the year 2020. The researchers have also found that nation of origin had one of the biggest impacts in making higher innovation revenues and profitability for the company.   

However, in this article we are going to discuss the remote working challenges that these companies might face in the workplaces and how isLucid can help 


Language misunderstandings


Miscommunication is a relevant problem omeetings, but cultural and language differences can lead to huge misunderstandings. The remoteness part of it can make it even worse.

For example, company X has 5 different offices around the globe. This means 5 different cultures, languages and time zonesDuring online meeting everyone is speaking English, but due to different perceptions, some topics or points might be not clear. This may involve unknown vocabulary, phrases or varied understanding of the context. As well as different pronunciations and rapid way of speaking.  


Transcription with a chosen language


Whether you are speaking English or other languageisLucid provides you the opportunity to choose from several languages for transcription  English, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Lithuanian and Russian.  Hence if the non-native speaker hasn’t managed to catch or understand some information – he would be able to see the accurate transcription on the side panel in the chosen language. 

Therefore, no more repetition, worrying about not understanding the specific word or forgetting to take notes of the conversation. Our app will make sure that your meeting is transcribed and saved for all the attendees to look back on later or during the live online meeting. 


Different timestamps


IsLucid strives for comfort meetings for everybody around the world. We care about other nations and understand that now everybody speaks in English at work, that’s why we implement multiple languages feature. The app also provides the ability to see timestamps according to different time zone. Therefore, the employee in Moscow will see 12:00:00, and the time in Edinburgh would be 9:00:00.  

Even if the challenges of remote international workplaces are tough, our tools will help to reduce them. Prevent miscommunication, save time and succeed! 

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