Assigning Rights

A policy was created within your organization so the audio stream would be accessible by isLucid application. If you did not do that, please follow the steps ⇒ HERE
To quickstart use the following form. It will run needed scripts on behalf of you and assign a user to corresponding policies.

If you did not wait for a policy to be created, forgot to click on a link and give consent – you can reuse the form above.
If you got an error message, most probably it is related to the policy not being found / created or Multi-Factor Authentification (MFA) enabled for your account. Please check the policy name in the form above if it matches the policy you used during the isLucid set up.
Powershell does not support MFA up to the current date (Feb, 2021). You have an option to set up an Application Password, as described here for isLucid in Azure Active Directory or to execute the following commands in PowerShell.
- Grant right to the user. YConnect to MS Teams using PowerShell client and use the following command by replacing [email protected] with a user, for whom the rights will be assigned:
Grant-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy -Identity <[email protected]> -PolicyName isLucidPolicy - Verify the policy assignment using Powershell:
Get-CsOnlineUser <[email protected]> | ft sipaddress, tenantid, TeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy - Allow app to access the calendar our application:
Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName isLucidCalendar -Identity <[email protected]>

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