September 30, 2021

The benefits of remote work for both employees and managers

by Vytenis

Gallup found that workers are increasingly likely to favor jobs that offer flexible work time. And as remote work becomes more common, businesses that don’t offer flexible work options will become unusual—and less attractive to employees. Even though the majority of employers want their workers to work from the office on some days, only 28% of these businesses are using 100% of their office space. In fact, the study found that 80% of offices have downsized since the start of the pandemic. As well as saving time on commuting, having a remote job means employees manage their own schedules. As long as the time you’re working doesn’t affect your colleagues and you meet deadlines then you can work when you wish.

how companies benefit when employees work remotely

Remote employees can create their own work schedules, accommodating personal commitments, preferences, and peak productivity times. This flexibility enables employees to balance their work and personal lives more effectively. Also, remote how companies benefit when employees work remotely work can help companies reduce their carbon footprint by decreasing the need for office space and energy consumption. By embracing remote work, businesses can contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying its many benefits.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

Avanade is also taking a forward-looking approach; it’s launched internal experiments using Microsoft’s Mesh to create immersive 3D worlds where employees can interact. Around half of Avanade’s staff has now created avatars for the platform – a prerequisite for accessing virtual environments. Down the road, this could enable a greater sense of connection among employees, and a more immersive experience at town hall meetings. “Before the pandemic, the workplace cultural experience was grounded in the physical environment employees worked in,” said Caitlin Duffy, research director at Gartner’s Human Resources practice. “Today, it’s much more difficult to build a strong, cohesive culture when employees are more distributed. With a remote setup, your teams can continue operating remotely, preventing any loss in productivity and progress.

  • This is because remote teams use written communication more than teams in traditional offices, which can lead to more clear and concise communication overall.
  • As long as you have a good internet connection you can work from any location in the world.
  • According to experts, that’s about 40 years of growth before the pandemic.
  • But when the workforce is hybrid virtual, leaders need to rely less on hierarchical and more on inspirational forms of leadership.
  • According to data by Clever Real Estate, US commuters spend approximately $8,466 on their commute yearly — nearly 19% of their annual income.
  • Remote work makes it easier to avoid paying expensive rent or a large mortgage.
  • Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies have shifted to a remote workforce or hybrid work model and are now seeing the benefits of remote work for the first time.

This is because remote teams use written communication more than teams in traditional offices, which can lead to more clear and concise communication overall. Next on the list of remote work benefits for employees is that this work model can help you manage your time more effectively. If you’re currently looking for flexible work in the tech space, you’re in luck. There are plenty of great remote work opportunities out there, even for people without much work experience. In addition to attracting better talent, remote work can help businesses keep the talent they already have. As explained, this is because employees who have the option to work from home are less likely to leave their jobs in search of greener pastures.

Building company culture and loyalty

As a result, it can reduce your employee turnover as well as the expense of hiring, training and retaining new employees. We’ll close by saying you don’t have to make all the decisions about your hybrid virtual model up front and in advance. If you end up finding, say, 30 (or 300) employees clustered around Jakarta, and other groups in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, ask them what might help them feel a socially supported sense of belonging. To the extent that in-person interactions are important—as we guess they will be—perhaps consider a microhub in one of those cities, if you don’t have one already.

how companies benefit when employees work remotely

Having fewer employees in the office also reduces costs for a business. Do you see a thriving, energetic work center, or are you imagining some of the desks sitting empty, waiting to be filled with next year’s hires? That ghost town effect is real—and could be costing your company thousands in wasted spending.

Employee utilization rate: How to calculate and improve it

When you can’t always rely on someone else to help you, you develop the skill of looking for the answer before asking for help. While remote work isn’t without its challenges, it tends to have fewer interruptions, less noise, and more efficient meetings, increasing productivity. Fully remote workers with no set location can live wherever they please. Some remote workers have left home altogether and live as digital nomads, traveling and working from new locales as they please. Even if you don’t plan to work from home all the time, commuting less has health benefits.

  • Moreover, 34% of employees responding to a 2019 Owl Labs survey indicated they’d take a pay cut for a remote position.
  • By offering remote work, they can level the playing field and attract top talent, regardless of location.
  • According to Owl Labs’ State of Remote Work, companies that support remote work experience 25% lower turnover than those that don’t.
  • It shows employees that you trust them to get their work done, care about their work-life balance, and value them as a person.
  • Even though many employers are concerned about the potential lack of productivity of remote workers, the majority of them actually find the contrary to be true.

If the benefits of remote work outweigh the negatives, then discuss it with your teams. See what ideas and desires they have to make remote work beneficial for everyone. Then adopt the tools and build policies to ensure work-life balance and employee wellness remain a top priority. Working from home means no more hours wasted in traffic jams or subway delays.

Improved Employee Mental And Physical Health

Plus, they get to create an atmosphere where they feel the most comfortable and productive (e.g., in a quiet room with headphones or at a park with a laptop). Working from home provides ultimate flexibility for employees, especially if work hours aren’t strict. Employees get the opportunity to schedule work duties, meetings, and appointments around their personal lives and can complete tasks at their own pace.

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