Nov 20, 2022

Are Microsoft Teams calls recorded automatically?

by Gabby

Automatic recording of Microsoft Teams calls?

Microsoft Teams allows any participant who is not an attendee to record meetings. Then, users can distribute recordings to various outlets without repeatedly running the same presentation. But are Microsoft Teams calls automatically recording?

No, Microsoft Teams does not automatically record calls. Organizers, managers, and presenters must start and stop recordings manually by default.

Why is meeting recording important?

Keeping a record of company meetings can improve workplace efficiency and consistency by providing additional resources and information to employees.

Many professionals spend a significant amount of time in meetings and presentations. A recording of each meeting can assist in remembering and referencing specific ideas, objectives, and procedures. Investigating the significance and benefits of recording meetings in the workplace can help you decide whether this practice can improve your workflow.

What is the meeting recording?

A meeting recording is a written, audio, or video documentation of a work meeting. The recording creates a source with the exact content and presentation of information and saves it for future use and reference.

Keeping a meeting record allows you to refer to and distribute a verbatim description of the meeting to ensure that everyone has a consistent understanding of the information provided.

Who enables to do meeting recording in the teams?

Even if the meeting organizer is not present, anyone who meets the following criteria can start or stop a recording if the meeting organizer has enabled their cloud recording policy setting.

You cannot simultaneously record multiple copies of the same meeting. If a participant starts recording a meeting, the recording will be stored in the cloud and made accessible to all attendees.

Teams notify all participants on the Teams desktop, web, and mobile apps, as well as those who joined via phone when a meeting recording begins.

A recording will expire and be deleted automatically after a specified time period. The duration of availability is determined by your administrator, but you can change the expiration date of any recording.

People who frequently forget to press the record button during crucial Teams meetings should find the automatic recording feature to be a useful tool.

How do automatic recordings of Microsoft Teams Meetings operate?

There is a straightforward method to record Teams meetings automatically. Please follow the steps below to activate automatic recording. Please note that to do this, you’ll need to set up a few things first. First, make sure that you have the latest version of Microsoft Teams installed.

If you are employing Microsoft Outlook:

  • Navigate to your desktop or Web-based Outlook calendar.
  • Schedule a new meeting of the Team. Here is a useful guide for that. Alternatively, start a previously scheduled meeting.
  • Click the Settings button in the Outlook upper Ribbon and then select Meeting options.
  • Alternatively, you can access the meeting options from the meeting text field.
  • Enable automatic recording in the Meeting options dialogue as shown below. As soon as the first participant arrives, the recording will begin:
  • Click save

Once you’ve done this, all of your future calls will be recorded automatically. You can access these recordings by going to the Conversations tab and selecting Call History. From there, you can play back the recording or download it to your computer for safekeeping.

The feature is straightforward and efficient. Determine what meeting organizers need to know about meeting options and after the meeting admin.

Microsoft Teams stores recordings on OneDrive and SharePoint by default. Channel Meetings are stored in SharePoint and are easily accessible via the channel’s Files tab.

Individual meeting recordings can be retrieved from the Microsoft Teams meeting Chat tab.

Why do we need the transcription software during the meeting recording?

Live transcription can increase the productivity and inclusivity of your meeting for participants who are deaf, hard of hearing or have varying levels of language proficiency. Participants in loud environments will also value the visual aid.

Reasons to transcribe a call or meeting vary considerably, particularly based on your position at work.

The software for transcription converts human speech to a text transcript or copy.

The presentation may be audio or video. Manual or automated transcription methods are available.

4 Benefits Of Transcription Services

  1. Efficiency: Human transcription is significantly slower than machine transcription.
  2. Cheap: Manual transcription is more expensive than transcription software.
  3. Reach more people: By transcribing and translating content into another language, you expand your audience.
  4. Curated content: For digital marketers, converting audio to text transforms content into a format that can be utilized at any stage of the sales funnel.

Let a transcription tool help you with a better experience with meeting


isLucid, an AI-based digital meeting assistant, manages every part of your online meeting. It can improve customer service.  

isLucid transcribes your meetings in real time with multilanguage support. You can create tasks or highlight important details through voice commands. Every task integrates with multiple project management and CRM software. isLucid allows you to create meeting minutes and have a generate meeting minute file after the meeting. You can edit it, add tasks and share it with other employees.  

Additionally, with isLucid, people can instantly capture tasks and meeting minutes from transcription, saving 25% of the time for a recap, managing tasks after the meeting, sending follow-up emails, and so on.   

If you are interested in isLucid digital meeting assistant, get it for MS Teams and try it for free: isLucid Download Page.    

You can also book a demo and get a walkthrough: Book a Demo

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